What is Sharaf al shmas (شرف الشمس)?
Usually people believe Sharaf-e-Shams is a yellow jewel, but according to Islamic sources, Sharaf-e-Shams is not a stone, but a dhikr / hirz attributed to Imam Ali (AS) and contains some of the great names of God, which by following special etiquette is graved behind yellow agate, qnd this must be done by experienced people at an specific time which only occurs once a year at certain hours of 19 Farvardin (7 or 8 or 9 April).
There are many properties that have been mentioned for Sharaf al-Shams, however the rapid and continuous effects of this jewel in expanding sustenance and repelling evil eye, are approved by everyone, and it solving problems in a very short time is very obvious to the wearer.
Before we talk about the “Hirz Sharaf al-Shams”, we must answer a very important question, and that question is:
What is Hirz (Islamic talisman)?
Ḥirz (Arabic: حِرز) literally means a fortified and firm place. Terminologically speaking, it refers to some Quranic verses, dhikrs, and narrated supplications that are recited in order to protect one’s life and property against damages or are carried in written forms.
The word “hirz” and its cognates do not appear in the Holy Qur’an, but it extensively appears in Shiite and Sunni hadiths and narrated supplications. Some of these hadiths, including the hadith of Anas b. Malik and the one narrated from ‘Ali b. Abi Talib (a) show that the word, hirz, was used in the early days of Islam in its terminological meaning.
Hirz has been more common in the Shiite culture than in other Islamic cultures. The vast number of hirzes, ta’widhs (Arabic: تَعویذ), and supplications for protection cited in the Imami books of supplications and hadiths is evidence for this.
Quoted from WikiShia
frequently asked questions About Sharaf Shams
Usually people believe Sharaf-e-Shams is a yellow jewel, but according to Islamic sources, Sharaf-e-Shams is not a stone, but a dhikr / hirz attributed to Imam Ali (AS) and contains some of the great names of God, which by following special etiquette is graved behind yellow agate, qnd this must be done by experienced people at an specific time which only occurs once a year at certain hours of 19 Farvardin (7 or 8 or 9 April).
Indeed, our foremost source of hope is God and the Ahl al-Bayt (AS). We should seek God’s assistance for our needs, while also acknowledging the potential benefits of the esteemed Sharaf al-Shams. Insha’Allah, through these means, we hope to find usefulness and fulfillment.
The properties of Sharaf al-Shams are significant from two perspectives. Firstly, the agate itself possesses unique qualities. Secondly, the back of the jewel is adorned with the powerful divine names, serving as the Hirz of Sharaf al-Shams.
Sharaf al-Shams possesses various properties that are worthy of note. These include the ability to alleviate poverty, safeguard one’s life and possessions, enhance sustenance, offer remedies for certain ailments, provide protection against animals and safeguard against disasters and enemies. Moreover, it grants honor and status.
Undoubtedly, the swift and enduring effects of Sharaf Shams stone’s properties in augmenting sustenance have been confirmed by numerous users. Furthermore, its capacity to resolve life’s issues and problems is readily apparent.
- The late Sheikh Baha’i says in the book Sir Al-Mustitr:
that Sharaf al-Shams should be written on the 19th day of pregnancy, which corresponds to the 19th of Farvardin, from sunrise to noon on yellow agate, and if it is not possible, write it on yellow paper and carried with him. - In the book “Jannah Al-Wafiyah” known as “Misbah Kafa’mi” it is stated:
These letters (the prayer of Sharaf Shams) are the shape of the great name,
Then in the margin of the mentioned book it says:
In some Shiite books I saw that of Amir al-Mu’minin (AS) has been quoted. (Baharalanvar, vol. 54, p. 22.) - In the book “One Thousand and One nights“, point 977, written by Ayatollah Hassanzadeh Amoli, there are also articles about Sharaf Shams.
- In the book of Reyhaneh al-Adab, under the name of “Abu al-Badr“, one of the ancient scholars of Ardabil, quoting him, a detailed description of Sharaf al-Shams and its letters and poems attributed to Imam Ali (as) about these letters and the way of writing These letters are given. (Reyhaneh Al-Adab,, Modarres Tabrizi, vol.)
- Allameh Mobasher Kashani in his book refers to the time, customs and quality of Sharaf Shams.
- Sharaf Shams is mentioned in the book “Jawahar Maknoneh” which is one of the manuscripts of Azkar.
- Hazrat Ayatollah Mazaheri said: “Sharaf al-Shams is an authentic Hirz.”
In old books such as “Al-Sahab Al-Laali” written by Seyyed Abdullah Bushehri, Sharaf Al-Shams is a foreign science and is effective in eliminating poverty and diseases and protecting its owner from animals and safety from calamities and giving its wearer honor and greatness.
The prayer of Sharaf al-Shams is written in cryptic forms and letters. It is not necessary for an individual who possesses the jewel of Sharaf al-Shams to perform Wudu (ablution) while carrying it. However, it is generally recommended to exercise respect and refrain from bringing hirz (amulets) and engraved stones with Islamic zikr (remembrance of God) into places such as toilets and bathrooms.
In conclusion, it is advisable to treat sacred items with reverence and avoid bringing them into potentially disrespectful environments.
We guarantee you that MyRings.co will use only original and quality agate jewels to engrave Sharaf Shams.

Let us delve into the intriguing world of the Sharaf Shams ring and explore its numerous benefits and unique properties. We will uncover the secrets behind the Sharaf al-Shams Hirz, a sacred prayer inscribed on a yellow agate gemstone with specific rituals performed on 19 Farvardin (7 or 8 or 9 April). Additionally, we will examine the perspectives of esteemed scholars and Ulama regarding this powerful talisman. Stay tuned with MyRings.Co to enlighten yourself with this fascinating information
The Sharaf Shams ring, stone, necklace, or bracelet, regardless of the form in which they are worn, serve as a means to ensure safety during travels, ward off evil, and protect human life.
- Enhanced sustenance: Assisting in increasing one’s livelihood and abundance.
- Inner peace: Promoting a sense of calmness and tranquility.
- Protection from the evil eye: Warding off negative influences and malevolent intentions.
- Fulfillment of desires and wishes: Facilitating the realization of aspirations and dreams.
- Healing properties: Aiding in the recovery from certain physical and mental ailments.
- Increased physical strength: Providing a boost to physical vitality and energy levels.
- …
Throughout history and even in contemporary times, rings have held great significance. Beyond their decorative purposes, they possess immense value in terms of belief and possess numerous properties.
In Islam, rings and the inscriptions and prayers engraved upon them hold great importance. Many individuals actively seek trustworthy individuals to craft the Sharaf al-Shams ring for them, desiring to harness its beneficial properties. The wearing of the Sharaf al-Shams ring is highly recommended, as it offers an opportunity to tap into its virtues.
In general, the Sharaf-e-Shams ring and necklace, regardless of gender, possess similar properties to the Sharaf-e-Shams amulet. Keeping it close to oneself ensures continuous divine protection through the embedded prayer, warding off poverty and facilitating wealth accumulation. It is worth noting that since the Sharaf-e-Shams amulet is typically crafted on yellow agate, one can also benefit from the unique properties associated with this stone.
According to hadiths and narrations, wearing rings with spiritual value, including the Sharaf-e-Shams ring, on the right hand is recommended in order to fully experience their properties and benefits.
It is believed that every year on the 19th of Farvardin (in the Iranian calendar), the sun reaches a unique position in the sky, creating a state comparable to the Night of Power. On this day, the sun holds a greater influence over the Earth compared to other celestial bodies. Various customs and traditions are associated with this significant day.
Before delving into the customs associated with this day, it is important to familiarize ourselves with the various designs of the Sharaf al-Shams amulet, typically engraved on a yellow agate gemstone.
The Sharaf al-Shams amulet, engraved on yellow agate, involves specific rituals that must be observed in order to fully harness its properties and benefits.
This prayer comprises the five great names of God: “Nur,” “Mu’min,” “Rahman,” “Jameel,” and “Allah.” Instead of writing out these names, the amulet employs the first letters of each name, forming the sequence “N.M.R.J.A.” These letters encompass 13 characters, with four letters derived from the Torah, four letters from the Bible, and five letters from the Quran.
Displayed below is an image of the Sharaf al-Shams Hirz, which represents one aspect of the Sharaf al-Shams properties. Please note that the actual engraving of this Hirz may differ from the illustration, incorporating its own intricacies that necessitate experience and knowledge to execute accurately.

Sharaf Al Shams Hirz design
The Sharaf al-Shams prayer is traditionally engraved on a yellow agate gemstone, although in the absence of such a gem, it can be written on a piece of yellow paper to allow wider access to its properties. However, it is strongly recommended to engrave it on agate as different materials have their own capacities.
The amulet features the special inscription of the five great names of God. It is important to note that not everyone possesses the skill to engrave the Sharaf al-Shams Hirz correctly, and certain conditions must be met to ensure its accuracy. It is believed that for optimal results, the individual engraving the divine names should be pure, knowledgeable, and well-versed in the proper etiquette of crafting this Hirz. For instance, when engraving the Sharaf al-Shams Hirz, it is essential to avoid engraving any line twice, adhering to specific guidelines for its creation.
The engraving of the Sharaf al-Shams gemstone can vary in its representation. Sometimes, the words “Noor,” “Mu’min,” “Rahman,” “Jamil,” and “Allah” are inscribed with specific lines designed for this purpose. In other cases, the engravers use alphabetical letters representing the same divine names, derived from the Qur’an, Bible, and Torah. Symbolic representations of the words, as mentioned by Sheikh Baha’i, may also be utilized instead of using the first letters of the divine names.
In addition to the mentioned conditions, the Sharaf al-Shams Hirz has several other requirements. To fully benefit from the properties of Sharaf al-Shams, the engraving of this invocation must be performed in the name and intention of the user at specific times on April 8th. Unfortunately, some unscrupulous individuals exploit this and engrave and sell the Hirz at other times, rendering it less effective. However, if the Sharaf al-Shams gemstone is correctly inscribed once, many elders believe that there is no need to renew the engraving.
If needed, the Sharaf al-Shams gemstone can be re-engraved on the 19th of Farvardin in subsequent years. However, it is worth noting that correctly engraving it once is considered sufficient by many.
Properties of Sharaf al Shams agate from the point of view of the infallibles (Ma’soumeen)
According to narrations from various sources, there are references to the benefits and blessings associated with wearing a yellow agate ring:
- Imam Musa Kazem (AS) stated in a hadith that wearing a yellow ring leads to an easier life without difficulties.
- The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) mentioned that whoever holds a white, yellow, or red agate in their hand will experience an increase in sustenance, good health, protection from calamities, and safety from evildoers and oppressors.
- Imam Sadegh (AS) emphasized that an agate ring brings safety during travel.
- The Holy Prophet (PBUH) advised carrying an agate ring, assuring that sorrow would not reach the individual as long as they have it with them.
- Imam Sadegh (AS) highlighted the significance of wearing a blessed agate ring, ensuring a good end for its owner.
- The Prophet (PBUH) proclaimed that those who wear an agate ring will have their needs met.
- Imam Ali (AS) expressed that performing two rak’ats of prayer with an agate ring is superior to a thousand rak’ats without one.
These narrations emphasize the positive effects and spiritual significance associated with wearing an agate ring, particularly one that is blessed. Please note that these statements are religious teachings and hold significance within the respective traditions.

Some scholars views about the Hirz of Sharaf al-Shams
Hazrat Ayatollah Mobasher Kashani, considering the interesting points about the Hirz of Sharaf Shams, considers this prayer as a part of “Unseen Sciences” and said:
“In the last few centuries, Scholars have considered the Hirz of Sharaf al-Shams to be a valid one , and discussions about Sharaf al-Shams and the method of its expansion in the form of squares and others, as well as its effects and blessings, have been mentioned, and some have considered it to be derived from great names. And in the books of Maknoon Jawaher, which is one of the manuscripts of Azkar, as well as in the books of Al-Sahab Al-Laali, written by Seyyed Abdullah Bushehri, and other books, some of the properties of Sharaf-e-Shams stone has been mentioned, such as eliminating poverty and diseases, and protecting animal and safety from disasters and receiving honor and greatness. “
Ayatollah Mobasher Kashani has further stated:
“Kafami has also stated in the book Jannat al-Waqia that these letters are the signs of the great names and we have seen in some books of Shiite scholars that this Hirz is narrated from Imam Ali (as).”
The late Sheikh Baha’i has also written about this Hirz, sometimes known as Sharaf al-Shams, in his books.
Ayatollah Mubasher Kashani also referred to the time, customs and process of engraving the Sharaf al-Shams Hirz and reminded:
“It is said that the prayer of Sharaf al-Shams should be performed on the 19th day of pregnancy, which is equal to the 19th of Farvardin, from sunrise to noon. (At specific times determined by astronomers each year) Write it on the yellow agate gem and in the absence of the yellow agate gem you can write it on yellow paper and take it with you, however there is no mentioning about its renewal on the day mentioned in later years therefore It is not cnoditioned and there is no need to rewrite it, and this is part of the nature of Sharaf al-Shams.”
In addition to Ayatollah Mobasher Kashani, Ayatollah Rouhani has also said and written other interesting notes about the Sharaf al-Shams Hirz:
“People of such Sciences say that once Sharaf al-Shams is engraved in its own way, there is no need to repeat it in the following years, and the properties of Sharaf al-Shams remain, but because of the diffrences in opinion about the way that it is written, like the shape of a star, or the letter “Mim” Some writes the Sharaf al-Shams Hirz in all its forms, for example, engraving it once with a five-pointed star and once with a hexagonal star.”
At the end of his answer to the question of the reporters, did not consider it necessary to rewrite the Sharaf al-Shams every year in order to have the properties and stated:
“In any case, the renewal of the Sharaf al-Shams Hirz on the 19th of Farvardin every year is not recommended and there is no need to do so.”

Authentic sources about the Hirz of Sharaf al-Shams
- The late Sheikh Baha’i says in the book Sir Al-Mustitr:
that Sharaf al-Shams should be written on the 19th day of pregnancy, which corresponds to the 19th of Farvardin, from sunrise to noon on yellow agate, and if it is not possible, write it on yellow paper and carried with him. - In the book “Jannah Al-Wafiyah” known as “Misbah Kafa’mi” it is stated:
These letters (the prayer of Sharaf Shams) are the shape of the great name,
Then in the margin of the mentioned book it says:
In some Shiite books I saw that of Amir al-Mu’minin (AS) has been quoted. (Baharalanvar, vol. 54, p. 22.) - In the book “One Thousand and One nights“, point 977, written by Ayatollah Hassanzadeh Amoli, there are also articles about Sharaf Shams.
- In the book of Reyhaneh al-Adab, under the name of “Abu al-Badr“, one of the ancient scholars of Ardabil, quoting him, a detailed description of Sharaf al-Shams and its letters and poems attributed to Imam Ali (as) about these letters and the way of writing These letters are given. (Reyhaneh Al-Adab,, Modarres Tabrizi, vol.)
- Allameh Mobasher Kashani in his book refers to the time, customs and quality of Sharaf Shams.
- Sharaf Shams is mentioned in the book “Jawahar Maknoneh” which is one of the manuscripts of Azkar.
- Hazrat Ayatollah Mazaheri said: “Sharaf al-Shams is an authentic Hirz.”
In old books such as “Al-Sahab Al-Laali” written by Seyyed Abdullah Bushehri, Sharaf Al-Shams is a foreign science and is effective in eliminating poverty and diseases and protecting its owner from animals and safety from calamities and giving its wearer honor and greatness.
Some Etiquettes of Engraving Sharaf Al Shams Hirz
There are points and etiquettes that must be observed when writing the Sharaf al-Shams Hirz in order to preserve the effects of the Sharaf al-Shams and its benefits in order to enjoy it at its highest degree of effectivness.
- Before engraving, there are two rak’ats of prayer that the engraver must recite.
- The engraving should be facing the qibla and engraving facing the qibla.
- The engraver must be clean and away from any dirt and impurity in order to make the most of the properties of the Sharaf Shams stone.

Do you know what Sharaf al-Shams day is? Do you know what is the exact time and date of Sharaf al-Shams?
If the Sharaf-e-Shamsi jewel that you buy has not been engraved at the appointed time, it would not be valid and there are no properties for it. The limited time of writing the Sharaf al-Shams prayer increases the importance of knowing the exact time of Sharaf al-Shams. In other words, all the Sharaf al-Shams jewels that are used during the year must be engraved at a limited time and on the appointed day of Sharaf al-Shams, which is determined by the astronomical calendar; If you do not know the time of Sharaf al-Shams and the exact day of Sharaf al-Shams, the invalid jewels sold in the market may be sold to you as a valid jewel (although this happens very rarely), so the question arises for many people that What is Sharaf al-Shams day and what are its exact hours? Also writing this prayer has its own etiquette and prayer; To know the exact time of Sharaf al-Shams and how to write it, its etiquette and prayers, join us in this article…
What is the exact time and day of Sharaf al-Shams?
The date for inscribing or writing the talisman “Sharaf al-Shams” may vary each year and can be determined by referring to astronomical calendars for the precise timing. These calendars provide information about the positions of celestial bodies and can help determine auspicious dates for various rituals and practices. It is recommended to consult such calendars or seek guidance from experts in Islamic astrology to find the specific date for the inscription of the talisman “Sharaf al-Shams” in any given year.
There are several astronomical calendars that can be used to find out what day is Sharaf al-Shams and when is the best time of Sharaf al-Shams. One of the most authoritative ones has been calculated by the great scientist Dr. Mostafa Golpayegani, Astronomist and colleague of Professor Mansour Nojomi son of latest Monajjim Bashi Shirazi.
Myrings.Co online store carries out these engravings only on the basis of being engraved on valid astronomical calendars and at scheduled times which, Insha’allah, is accompanied by more blessing and happiness.
How is the Sharaf al-Shams day determined using the astronomical calendar?
An astronomical calendar is a calendar that contains useful information for astronomers in addition to the information of a normal calendar. Using astronomical calendar information, we can pinpoint the location of the planets, moon, sun, and brighter stars for each day of the year, and help us understand what is the day and exact time of the Sharaf al-Shams;
Additional information about this astronomical calendar:
- This calendar corresponds to the official calendar of the country, which is published every year by the Secretariat of the Public Culture Council.
- The astronomical calculations of this calendar are mainly done with Stellariu0.15.0 software which is an open source software.
- Unfortunately, in recent years, some astronomers, without knowing the basics of the calendar, have started to extract astronomical calendars and determine the day of engraving the prayer of Sharaf Shams. One of their most important problems is studying the planets and the position of the moon and sun; Mostly, they do not realize the difference between the face and the constellation, and therefore their calculations are based on the faces and not the constellations, but as Nasir al-Din al-Tusi has explicitly stated in his treatise, they are in the rulings referring to the constellation and not the face.
- Calculations related to the position of the moon, the position of the planets and the sun, which include calculations related to the day and hour of the engraving of the Sharaf Shams prayer in 2022, are based on the constellation in this calendar.
Which day do astronomers call Sharaf al-Shams day?
Do you know what is astronomers’ opinions about the method of determining the day of Sharaf Shams? According to astronomy, the seven planets (according to this science, the sun is also one of the planets) each reach their maximum power in a position in the zodiac, which is also called the position of honor of that planet. The peak of power for the Sun takes place among the seven planets in Taurus. According to Islamic astronomy, the peak of the sun’s power in the sign of Aries occurs at 19 degrees, which in the past was equivalent to 19 Farvardin, and this is the exact time of Sharaf al-Shams and the so-called time of engraving the prayer of Sharaf Shams (ie. The honor time of the planet sun). This day is the exact time of Sharaf al-Shams to store solar energy in an object. This energy is good for health and getting rich and successful, and by storing it, it can be stored for all year round.
According to ancient books such as “Al-Sahab Al-Laali” written by Seyyed Abdullah Bushehri, the day of Sharaf al-Shams is part of “Unknown Sciences” and it is effective in eliminating poverty, protecting its owner from both diseases and animal, and finding health from calamities and to get a high position and honor.
Why is the 19th of Farvardin (8 April) called the Day of Sharaf al-Shams?
What is the reason for the importance of Sharaf Shams Day? Astronomers believe that the day of Sharaf al-Shams and the time of writing the prayer of Sharaf al-Shams according to astronomical calculations is a blessed and auspicious day, and there are special hours on this day when the sun is in its highest and honorable position in the galaxy compared to the rest of the year. In this case, that is, at the exact time of Sharaf al-Shams of every year, the properties of this prayer have the ultimate effect on the person who carries it with him and cause benefit and happiness for that person. According to the book Al-Tafhim written by Abu Rihan al-Biruni, which mentions the honor of the planets, the time of writing the honor of the sun is 19 Farvardin / April 08, is actually the day when the sun is in the position of 19 degrees of Pisces, which coincides with the 19th of Farvardin and that is time that the prayer of Sharaf Shams is engraved and it is the best time to write it.
What is Sharaf al-Shams really?
Sharaf al-Shams is a special and very beneficial Hizr and consists of 13 great names of God in the divine books (5 words from the Quran, 4 words from the Torah and 4 words from the Bible) which are engraved in code letters. The general belief is that Sharaf Shams is a kind of stone, but in fact it is a prayer that is recommended to be engraved on yellow agate stone and has special rituals. Of course, many issues have been raised about the customs and properties of Sharaf al-Shams, some of which are mixed with superstition.
Deeds needs to be done for Sharaf al-Shams
Did you know what are the ritual process of writing Sharaf al-Shams? Sharaf Shams has customs and conditions. One of the rituals and practices of Sharaf al-Shams is that the jewel is engraved on the hour and day of 19th Farvardin or 8th April, the exact time of which was mentioned above.
The Sharaf Shams can be engraved with the intentions of anyone who wears it. So whenever you acquire it, you can wear it forever.
Did you know how is the prayer of the Sharaf Shams Day is performed?
Other rituals of Sharaf Shams day include its prayer. The etiquette of performing this prayer is such that on this special day (the 19th Farvardin the Sharaf Shams day), perform Wudu and perform 2 rak’ats of prayer with intention of your wishes like the morning prayer, then the following short prayer should be recited:
Then engraving and writing the letters of the code should be done, but the engraving of the prayer of Sharaf al-Shams on the yellow agate gem should be done according to etiquette, which is not the work of everyone, and of course there is no need for writing or engraving to be done by the person who want to wear the ring himself. The A professional and experience engraver is the best option to right the Hirz for you by having the intention of writing the Hirz on your.
Every year, according to the information provided by the our customers, Myrings website engraves this noble prayer with the intention for the customers who placed their orders by observing the customs and practices of Sharaf Shams itself with the best quility and fairest price of the original Sharaf Shams stone.
Some of the most important virtues of Sharaf Shams
- It is stated in the book “Encyclopaedia of Al-Hajjar Al-Karima” that this Hirz has been narrated from Hazrat Hojjat (AS) and it would be more complete if it is engraved on agate on the day of Sharaf al-Shams. It is stated:
“It is an Hirz to protect all the heavenly and earthly evils, and it is the great name and the most perfect ring.”
“Agate is a refuge that every one of the Shiites of the family of Muhammad (PBUT) wears a ring of it, he sees nothing but good and blessing in its journey without need of people and will be protected from all disasters. And this ring will it protects him from the tyrant king and everything that he is afraid of. “
- Hazrat Ayatollah Mazaheri said: “Sharaf al-Shams is an authentic Hirz.”
9-In old books such as “Al-Sahab Al-Laali” written by Seyyed Abdullah Bushehri, Sharaf Al-Shams is a foreign science and is effective in eliminating poverty and diseases and protecting its owner from animals and safety from calamities and giving its wearer honor and greatness.
- In the book “Jannah Al-Wafiyah” known as “Misbah Kafa’mi” it is stated:
These letters (the prayer of Sharaf Shams) are the shape of the great name,
then in the margin of the mentioned book it says:
In some Shiite books I saw that of Amir al-Mu’minin (AS) has been quoted. (Baharalanvar, vol. 54, p. 22.)
- It is narrated from Imam Musa Kazem (AS) in a hadith that you should wear a yellow ring, which cause easy life without no difficulty.
- The Holy Prophet (PBUH) has also said about the properties of this stone: wear an agate ring in your hand as long as a person wears it, no sorrow will come to him.
- Imam Ali (AS) also says: Two rak’ats of prayer with an agate ring is better than a thousand rak’ats without an agate stone.
- The Prophet (PBUH) also said: Anyone who holds one of the white, yellow and red agate in his hand sees nothing but goodness and increase of sustenance and health from all calamities and will be safe from evildoers and oppressive men and from any one who hos afraid of.
What is the exact time and day of Sharaf al-Shams in 2022?
The exact start time of Sharaf al-Shams 2022 with the London time is on Friday 08 April at 17:43 and the end of Sharaf al-Shams is on Saturday 09 April at 18:09.
This means that in the year 2022 only engravings that are engraved at this time are valid, and if engravings are made at the other time than Sharaf Shams, it is invalid. In the previous year, 2021, the day of Sharaf al-Shams was on Thursday, 08 April at 11:53 minutes, and the end of Sharaf Shams time was on Friday, April the 9th at 17:15, and in the previous year, 2020, the day of Shams al-Shams was on Tuesday, 08 April at 20:13 and the end was on Wednesday 09 April at 10:49.
What is the exact time and day of Sharaf al-Shams in 2023?
For the year 2023 (1402 SH), in the Iranian horizon, the recommended starting time for inscribing the talisman “Sharaf al-Shams” is at 16:27 on Sunday, 9th of April (20th of Farvardin). The inscription should be completed by 23:27 on the same day.
It’s worth noting that due to the position of the moon in Scorpio on the 8th of April (19th of Farvardin), there is only a 6-hour window available for the inscription process.
Please keep in mind that these timings are specific to the given year and location. It is advisable to consult Islamic astrological experts or refer to reliable astronomical calendars for accurate and up-to-date information regarding the inscription of the talisman “Sharaf al-Shams” in any particular year.